Perception on Augustinian Values among Senior High School Students of La Consolacion University Philippines

Author Details

Mr. Ramonito C. Perez, Dr. Divina Ann M. Eusebio

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Published: 14 August 2019 | Article Type :


The world today in the 21st century post-modern age has been secularized due to modern technology as a major indicator that caused the decline in church membership. This research is designed to answer the problem of the times concerning Christian faith and value formation espoused by the Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation. To examine the Catholic direction or identity of an institution, it must begin with an examination of nature (charism or value) stipulated by its vision-mission and the academic curriculum of any religious institution. Finally, this research has been conducted to evaluate the present condition of Senior High School students, particularly the Grade 11 students (School Year 2017-2018) concerning their perceived Augustinian values or perhaps to check if the Augustinian values are visible both in words and action. Furthermore, the researchers came out to realize that the agents or mentors of Augustinian values, especially the laity in Augustinian schools, were also affected by the decline in number in terms of their commitment to the congregation’s vision-mission as well as their perceived Augustinian values which finally affected also the formation of Augustinian values in their respective institutions and stakeholders. The researchers employed the descriptive-evaluative method in the process of research. In the descriptive method, mean, standard deviation and percentile were used to come up with significant results computed from the Liker survey questionnaires of the respondents. This study confirms the presence of the Augustinian values among Senior High School students (particularly Grade 11) because of its high correlation in the findings. Finally, this research has confirmed an authentic Augustinian values practiced by the students In the statistics of priority of values, it is amazing that community of friends with the highest rating is being seconded by humility and followed by search for the truth or interiority.

Keywords: Religiosity, Augustinian Values, Value Formation, Perception, Spirituality.

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How to Cite


Mr. Ramonito C. Perez, Dr. Divina Ann M. Eusebio. (2019-08-14). "Perception on Augustinian Values among Senior High School Students of La Consolacion University Philippines." *Volume 3*, 3, 9-18